The magical Xiaomi phenomenon: the harsher the criticism, the higher the sales

08/07 2024 403

According to institutional data, in the second quarter of 2024, Xiaomi's mobile phone sales surged ahead in both the Chinese and global markets, with growth rates exceeding 20%. Among the top five global brands, Xiaomi recorded the highest growth rate.

Globally, Xiaomi is now just 1% behind Apple in terms of sales volume. At Xiaomi's current growth rate, it may surpass Apple in the next quarter to become the second-largest global player.

In the automotive sector, Xiaomi's SU7 model has also continually set new sales records. Delivered just in April, it surpassed 10,000 units within 43 days, establishing a new benchmark for electric vehicles. Both June and July witnessed sales exceeding 10,000 units, an unprecedented feat.

Paradoxically, despite the popularity of Xiaomi's mobile phones and automobiles, the company faces various doubts and criticisms. A quick online search reveals a pattern: whenever Xiaomi's products are praised, a barrage of criticisms follows, as if purchasing Xiaomi products is somehow a sin.

This phenomenon underscores the saying, 'The harsher the criticism, the higher the sales.'

The question arises: why does Xiaomi exhibit this peculiar phenomenon of 'harsh criticism, high sales'?

Actually, when viewed from the opposite perspective, this phenomenon becomes understandable: high sales lead to harsh criticism. This logical order suggests that only after achieving substantial sales does a company attract intense scrutiny.

Xiaomi's high mobile phone sales have encroached on the market share of other manufacturers, prompting them to criticize Xiaomi. Some individuals then follow suit, leading to more criticisms as sales continue to rise.

Similarly, Xiaomi's strong automotive sales have also impacted other manufacturers, eliciting criticisms from them and their followers.

As Xiaomi's mobile phones and automobiles sell more, they increasingly compete with other brands, naturally inviting more criticisms. This is a two-way relationship: if no one buys, there will likely be no criticisms either.

For Xiaomi, more criticisms actually signify better sales. Criticisms are not fearsome; what's truly alarming is the absence of them.

As an internet brand, Xiaomi relies heavily on traffic. Normal criticisms offering constructive feedback are acceptable and may even attract more fans if Xiaomi addresses the issues effectively.

As for unfounded criticisms, Xiaomi is not overly concerned, as its product quality, cost-effectiveness, marketing prowess, and reputation will ultimately attract fans despite the noise.

In the internet era, criticisms are inevitable for any brand. No brand can achieve 100% positive reviews. However, as long as Xiaomi's products remain exceptional, consumers will ultimately support them, underpinning Xiaomi's confidence.

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